Saturday, June 18, 2011


So Dreamhack summer opened their gates 8:00 am (GMT+1) this morning in Jönköping, Sweden and will close again the 21th of june.

I'm not sure how many people it is that will attend this summer, but DH winter 2010 had 12 757 computers in their network!
As you might know, Dreamhack is the largest computer festival with alot of competitions and entertainment, seems like alot of fun.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go there this time, but hopefully I will sometime!

Have you ever been to Dreamhack?
How was it?

Song of the day!

Rebecca & Fiona - Bullets

 Pretty nice song, made by two swedish DJ's. I'm more into hardstyle but I actually like this song!

What do you guys think?


Friday, June 17, 2011

League of Legends

So last night, (after alot of whining) my friend made me download LoL...

League of Legends is a game that should resemble the map DotA from WC3. There are many heroes and about 200 items that can be used. It is a strategy similar game (not RTS), which is fast and requires a lot of collaborationif you want to win. 
You can download the game for free here:

Since I've only played Dota like once or twice before, everything is pretty new for me so i'm still learning. I think the system that you need to buy heroes are pretty cool! I just bought Shaco, who is a demon jester... Pretty awesome. 

Have you ever played the game?
If yes, what do you think about it?
Which hero is your favourite? 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Song of the day!

I love songs that really reaches a good climax, this is my favorite one!

Alpha W&W

Really nice song, the magic is happening at 2:04...

Link a song you think reaches a nice climax!

2011, The year of games

Battlefield 3, CoD: MW 3, Star Wars: The Old Republic and much more!

This year, they will release alot of games that i'm excited to play!
And not only expansions or later editions of games, but also some completely new ones, like Rift, DC universe, Brink and Magicka.

Seems like they release the completely new games early and the expansions later on?

I haven't had time to play them all, but ill try to atleast test them this summer, and I will put out more info, trailers and more for the games that haven't been released yet!

The blog have been down for a while but is back now!

Sorry for the downtime but I've had alot going on in school and so on... But Ill try to start bloging again!

I will also change some things in the blog, I will link some more music and the blog will be more about games and gaming, but the tech part will remain!