Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Battle of the consoles!

Which game console is that of 2011? I've will put the Xbox 360 and PS3 against each other in a number of different rounds, first up is the hardware.

Both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 have been updated a couple of times since their release. You pay about the same for both consoles. The new slim version of the Xbox 360 is much better looking than its predecessor, and considerably smaller, and one advantage is that you with no accessory purchases can choose to have it standing or lying. The shape is still reminiscent of a small desktop PC that does not speak for the Xbox 360's advantage.
In theory, the PlayStation 3 got more muscles under the hood than Microsoft's console, at least when we look at processing power. But most important, of course, how resources are used in practice. Still, it's very smooth when we look at how the latest games look on both consoles. Games that are available for both platforms almost always virtually identical on both machines and it's exclusive titles on both consoles really shines.
The latest version of the Xbox 360 does not sound nearly as much as the consoles we played with for a few years ago but still the (mainly DVD drive) a little louder than the PS3. Xbox 360 does not pull as much power as the PS3: an. The difference is not as big as a couple of years ago. 
All hardware is round rather affectionate, as the consoles cost the same, it becomes quite clear that Sony's machine is more modern and give you more hardware for the money than if you buy Microsoft's Xbox 360.

Winner: Playstation 3  

Tell me what you think, who would win in your opinion?


  1. I think, even though ps3 has superior hardware, xbox 360's games are generally better, even the multiplatform games. thats just my opinion though

  2. I actually own an Xbox myself and really like it. This was mostly based on facts.

  3. They both suck ;)

    Play on the puter...

  4. im goin PS3 all the way. in this day and age why wouldnt online gaming be free??

  5. PS3 for epic games, 360 if you want to play with friends and more casual stuff.

  6. i guess xbox should be nice +followed

  7. I honestly don't get into the debate

  8. PS3 definitely.

  9. I switched to PS3 to avoid RROD and then the PS3s started getting YLODs...including mine. No favourite here.

  10. I have a PS3, it's been working great since I bought it, never had a problem. I love it, but Xbox is definitely more popular at the college I go to.

  11. PS3 is 1000% better, check out my blog for the complete review. bit.ly/gmIuMb

  12. PS3 for hardware, but I have to go with 360 for the online. XBL kills PSN.

  13. I have them both and it's like choosing a favorite child. I use ps3 for netflix since the ps3 had built in wireless so that was just convenient. Xbox has a much better online service. I guess the saying is true that you really do get what you pay for.

  14. Yeah Ps3 for quality and Xbox for friends.
